Aceh Gayo Green Coffee Beans
Aceh Gayo coffee beans are considered as one of premium coffee beans in the world. it is harvest from plantations in Central Aceh Region.
Gayo Long Berry
$ 16,000 -
Aceh Gayo Grade 1
$ 7,450 -
Aceh Gayo Grade 2
$ 7,100
Aceh Gayo Green Coffee Beans
Aceh Gayo Grade 1
$ 7,450 -
Aceh Gayo Grade 2
$ 7,100 -
Gayo Long Berry
$ 16,000
Fragrance/Aroma : Fresh Nutty
Flavor : Complex Coffee Flavor with Hints of Vanilla
Acidity : Good Acidity
Body : Medium to High
Description Scheme
Time from Flowers to Be Berry : 9 Months
Production (Kg/Ha) : 800 to 1500
Optimal Temperature : 13 to 28°C
Altitude : 1200 to 1700 from Sea Level (asl)
Country of Origin : Indonesia
Production Areas : Aceh (Takengon, Bener Meriah, Angkup, Sukarame, Bies, Jagung, Sabun, Pondokbaru)
Caffeine Content : 0.8 to 1.4%
Character Stew : Acid & Chocolate
Method of Harvest : Mechanical and Hand Pick
Processing Method : Mostly wet processed, wet hulling
(Smallholders) and Small Quantity Wet Process, Dry Hulling of Fully Wash Process (Big Processor)
Aceh Gayo Green Coffee Beans
Aceh Gayo Grade 1
$ 7,450 -
Aceh Gayo Grade 2
$ 7,100 -
Gayo Long Berry
$ 16,000
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About Aceh Gayo Green Coffee Beans
Who does not know Aceh Gayo green coffee beans: a famous coffee from Indonesia? Gayo coffee is a type of Arabica and Robusta coffee with different flavors. The flavors depend on the soil, altitude, and region in which the coffee trees are planted.
This uniqueness is the reason why many favor Gayo coffee over others. The main region that produces Gayo coffee comes from the central part of Aceh.
Here are some facts about Aceh Gayo coffee if you want to try this authentic Indonesian coffee!
History of Aceh Gayo Green Coffee Beans
The root of all coffee in the world originated from Africa. When it came to Indonesia, the coffee tree was brought by a Dutch governor to Batavia (right now Jakarta) through Yemen. Then, they began cultivating coffee trees in Java and Sumatra islands, creating large coffee plantations, which started the history of Aceh Gayo coffee.
Historical records show the first Aceh coffee plantation existed in 1904. Urged by the Dutch colonialists, the locals started to plant coffee trees in Tanah Gayo. Since coffee was the most sought commodity on the international market then, farmers chose to seriously cultivate coffee trees rather than tea or pepper.
Growing Coffee in Aceh
Bener Meriah and Central Aceh have become the largest areas producing Aceh Gayo green coffee beans: The two regions are located at a high altitude of 1200 meters above sea level and cover approximately 81,000 hectares of community-built coffee plantations.
The highland of both areas is the appropriate environment to plant coffee trees due to the low air temperature and lush soil. The farmers cultivated this coffee organically, making it environmentally friendly. Gayo coffee was named after the native Gayo tribe living in the area.
Gayo coffee generally has low acidity and bitterness with a clean aftertaste. The aroma hints at spices while the flavor varies, such as nutty, spice, caramel, dark chocolate, and others. This taste note makes Gayo coffee popular for making house blend coffee.
After reading about its history and characteristics, are you interested in trying Gayo coffee? Try our Aceh Gayo green coffee beans: which are high-grade with different taste notes.
Beside that, we also have green beans of Gayo Long berry from the Takengon area, which have a fresh and nutty aroma with hints of dark chocolate, caramel, and spicy flavors.
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