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Everything You Need to Know About Arabica Bali Kintamani Coffee

Bali is one of the most famous islands in Indonesia. Aside from having beautiful nature, this island is also famous for its delicious Kintamani coffee. Arabica Bali Kintamani coffee is one of the most delicious coffees from Indonesia you need to try.

Kintamani coffee is famous throughout the world thanks to its unique flavor. Compared to other types of coffee, this coffee has a superiority that you will not find anywhere else. That is why many coffee lovers worldwide are dying to taste Arabica BaliKintamani coffee.

If you are a coffee lover, you are probably interested in Kintamani coffee. But before you have a little taste of this coffee, you might want to learn everything there is to know about this coffee. And luckily for you, we will tell you what you need to know about Arabica Bali Kintamani coffee.

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Where Does It Come From?

First of all, let’s talk about where Kintamani came from. If you have ever been to Bali, you are probably familiar with Mount Batur. Mount Batur is located in the Kintamani District, where local traditional coffee farms can be found.

While other coffee types in Indonesia came from Java and Sumatra during the Netherland colonial era, Kintamani coffee came from coffee farmers who brought their coffee beans from Lombok. And that was the start of the Kintamani coffee production in Bali.

Just like any other coffee in Indonesia, Kintamani coffee is also named based on its growing region. Thanks to the unique production of Kintamani coffee, this coffee has a unique flavor that you will not be able to find anywhere else. That is why you have to try this coffee at least once in your life.

The Production of Kintamani Coffee

Now that you know where it is from, let’s talk about the production process of Kintamani coffee. Indonesian coffee farmers plant and grow Kintamani coffee 900 meters above sea level. And the unique thing about the production process is its agroecosystem, which is very suitable for the growth of arabica coffee.

The plantation system in Kintamani is very homogenous. The unique thing about coffee farms in Bali is that the farmers usually grow coffee plants together with other plants, including vegetables and orange trees. On top of that, the farmers also manage these plants together while using organic fertilizers.

The production of Bali Kintamani coffee involves a wet/washed process. This process helps remove the beans from the coffee fruit. As you can see, most coffee farmers in Indonesia use the dry process technique, which is why Kintamani coffee is different from other types of coffee in this country.

On top of its unique production process, the harvesting process of Arabica Bali Kintamani coffee beans is also unique. The unique harvesting process produces more giant green coffee beans than Indonesia’s arabica coffee beans. That is why arabica Bali Kintamani has such a unique flavor.

The Taste of Kintamani Coffee

Thanks to its unique and traditional production process, Kintamani coffee has such a unique flavor. Once you sip this coffee, you will taste a fresh citrusy flavor that does not leave any sour aftertaste in your mouth. Other than that, the body of this coffee is also medium, providing a solid and sweet aroma.

Unlike most coffees in Indonesia, you will not get a hint of any spice in Kintamani coffee. And that can be great if you dislike spice flavors in your coffee. And if you do not like bitter coffee, Kintamani coffee is the perfect coffee for you.

The flavor of Arabica Bali Kintamani coffee is vibrant. You can taste this coffee’s sweetness, fruitiness, and chocolaty flavor. You will get a hint of sweetness like you would if you tasted caramel or brown sugar. And because the body is medium, this coffee is enough but not too strong.

How to Serve Arabica Bali Kintamani Coffee

You will be able to find a variety of ways to serve Kintamani coffee. The first way is to serve it traditionally. You can do this by grinding the coffee before adding sugar to it. And there you have it, a delicious cup of ground Kintamani coffee that you can enjoy.

If you do not like the traditional way of serving Kintamani coffee, you can still enjoy this coffee in other ways. You can brew the coffee with v60, allowing you to enjoy a delicious clean coffee. And because the v60 method will produce a watery coffee, the fruity taste of Kintamani coffee will become more dominant.

The “Tri Hita Karana” Philosophy

Before trying Arabica Bali Kintamani coffee, you might want to learn about its history. And the history of Kintamani coffee is closely related to the Tri Hita Karana philosophy. As you already know, the production process of Kintamani coffee does not involve any chemicals, which is the primary purpose of this philosophy.

Based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy, all of the processes involved in producing Kintamani coffee are natural and traditional. When translated, Tri Hita Karana means three sources of happiness. And one of those sources is to maintain the balance of nature.

Kintamani coffee farms put so much thought into the balance of nature. The farms use organic fertilizers, a unique irrigation system, and no pesticides. That is why Kintamani coffee beans is also known as a very eco-friendly coffee since the planting process is very mindful of the ecosystem.

In 2008, Kintamani coffee got a Geographical Indication certificate thanks to its eco-friendly process. This certificate indicates that Kintamani coffee is known and recognized internationally. That is also one of the reasons why this coffee became very popular.

If you are interested in Kintamani coffee, you can look at the products by PT FandB Tech Indonesia. On the website, you will be able to find a great selection of Indonesian coffees as well as their prices.

Final Thoughts

Kintamani coffee is one of the most delicious arabica coffees you can find in Indonesia. Because of its unique production process, this coffee has a delicious flavor profile. That is why you should try arabica Bali Kintamani coffee right now.

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