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You Never Know This! 7 Benefits of Gayo Coffee for Your Body

You Never Know This! 7 Benefits of Gayo Coffee for Your Body

Gayo Coffee is known for its unique aroma and taste, giving you a different experience than other coffee varieties. The plantation location, wet-hulled process, and fermentation process create such unique characteristics.

Interestingly, the delicious taste and pleasant aroma are not the only things you can get from this coffee. Consuming this coffee also has many benefits. The benefits range from health benefits and even socio-economy benefits. Here, we have listed the benefits of Gayo Coffee.

Check This Out! 7 Benefits of Gayo Coffee You Need to Know!

Benefits of Gayo Coffee

1. Improving Mood and Preventing Depression

According to the National Institutes of Health, people who drink coffee daily have a lower depression rate than people who don’t drink coffee at all. Mainly, it is caused by the caffeine that makes you energized. So, you won’t have enough time to feel tired and lazy when a problem occurs. You have the energy to solve it before it depresses you.

Furthermore, the antioxidant inside the Gayo Coffee also helps you to get a better mood. Moreover, the smooth and low acidity of Gayo Coffee also feels soft when you drink and swallow it. It gives you a relaxing feeling that you might not find in other coffee products.

2. Organic Coffee, No Chemical!

The farmers of Gayo Coffee beans mostly use the traditional method to process this coffee. Those methods don’t use chemicals and other dangerous substances. It stays in its organic state. Therefore, the taste and aroma feel softer and more comfortable than others.

Furthermore, organic coffee means that it is safe to consume. You don’t need to worry about the substance that harms your health. So, even with a health problem, you can still drink Gayo Coffee.

3. Do You Know? Benefits of Gayo Coffee is To Help the Environment

Moreover, organic coffee can only grow on fertile soil with many nutrients. Therefore, the Gayo Coffee beans farmers also have one of the best soil management systems to ensure that their plantation is still suitable for planting this coffee. They know how to preserve soil fertility. Because of that, this practice is good for the environment. It means when you buy this coffee, you also can help the recovery of the environment in the plantation area.

4. Help the Local Economy

Gayo Coffee is one of the essential local products that support many people in Gayo highlands. They make a living through this product. Therefore, if you also buy Gayo Coffee, you can help the locals to survive, especially this year when the pandemic is affecting many business sectors.

5. Lowering the Diabetes Risk

This coffee product is also proven to have health benefits for lowering diabetes risk. According to Science Daily magazine, drinking four small cups of Gayo Coffee can reduce the risk by 25%. It is all because of chlorogenic acid and alkaloids you can find in Gayo Coffee. Of course, if you want to enjoy these benefits of gayo coffee beans, you should make it without additional ingredients, such as sugar or milk.

6. Lowering the Risk of Dementia, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer

Amazingly, science has found that coffee has many health benefits for various diseases. Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Parkinson’s are a few of them. Those who drink coffee daily lower the risk of Alzheimer’s by 60%. As for Parkinson’s disease, the danger could be lowered by 32% to 60%.

The low production of beta-amyloid proteins mainly causes dementia. Because of that, the brain can’t perform to memorize and take the memory from the brain. Coffee, in this case, Gayo Coffee, can stimulate the production of that protein in an aged person,

7. Lowering the Risk of Skin Cancer

Another benefit of Gayo Coffee is that it can lower skin cancer risk. Maybe, the precise word will prevent this cancer from appearing. The research proved this benefit by Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in 2012. They use several women as the subject, where each subject drinks 3 cups of coffee daily. And the chance of skin cancer occurrence is much lower on that subject than on others who don’t drink coffee.

How to Get Gayo Coffee beans

At this point, we believe you understand how beneficial Gayo Coffee is. Now, you need to know the best place to get it. The best recommendation would be FnB Tech. It is a company that specializes in manufacturing and selling various coffee products. One of them is Aceh Gayo Coffee Beans.

FnB Tech provides seven types of Gayo Coffee beans products. They are the Grade 1, Grade 2, Long Berry, Musty Cup, Age Coffee, and Past Crop. Or you also can get the package with a combination of four different types of coffee. They are Gayo, Bali, Java, and Mandheling Coffee.

Are you ready to enjoy a delicious Gayo Coffee with many benefits of gayo coffee you never knew before? Get more information about Gayo Coffee products on the FnB Tech website at You also can find other products there.

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